About Me

fashion designer graphic designer
full time mum
Thanks for stopping by my shop.
I am Akiko, a fashion and graphic designer by trade during the day and a cat by night (I tend to get lost in my world of cats and bunnies, hence the name Catbun).
Catbun was born as a hobby, sparked by an idea of creating minimalistic plushies and bringing them to life. They tend to be my go-to gifts for friends and family for baby showers and birthdays as a token of love which I simply could not produce with purchased items. Putting a smile on their faces always seems to light up my day. Since then I also started an etsy shop as a hobby whilst juggling with my full time job.
Fast forward to 2018, my partner and I welcomed our son into the world. As our son has severe eczema and allergies, I decided to take a break from my career and become a full time stay home mum. Every night and on weekends, when I get the chance to swap roles with my partner in parenting duties, I would fire up my sewing machine and disappear into my world of Catbun.
I hope my plushies have brought lots of smiles and joy to you, as much as I have enjoyed bringing them to life. I take pride in using the best materials and ensuring they are allergy friendly hence suited for all ages even newborns. Thank you for supporting my small business as it truly means a lot to me.
I will be adding new ones from time to time so please do drop by.
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